Can men also take childcare leave? Introduction to acquisition status and system

男性でも育休は取得できる?取得状況や制度について紹介 ヒロクリニック NIPT

In recent years, the number of men taking childcare leave has been increasing. This article introduces the rate of male childcare leave acquisition, reasons why it is difficult to take leave, and types of systems. To promote paternity leave for men, it is essential to create a supportive environment in companies and workplaces.

Male Childcare Leave Acquisition Status

Currently, more men are taking childcare leave. However, compared to women, the acquisition rate is still low. According to the “FY2022 Basic Survey on Employment Equality” published by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the percentage of men who started childcare leave between October 1, 2020, and September 30, 2021, was 17.13%. For women, it was 80.2%, indicating that the acquisition rate is still low. However, considering that the rate was 1.89% around 2012, it can be said that the system and acquisition are gradually spreading.

The background behind the lower rate of male childcare leave acquisition compared to women includes the workplace environment and the lack of understanding across society. To increase the rate of male paternity leave, it is important to address this issue at a societal level.

Reasons for Low Male Childcare Leave Acquisition

Here are five reasons why the situation for male childcare leave acquisition is not ideal. Even if the system exists, there are many reasons why men do not take or feel it is difficult to take childcare leave.

Few Male Employees Taking Leave in the Workplace

Even if a childcare leave system is in place, if few male employees in the workplace are taking leave, it can be difficult to request it. In Japan, there has been no tradition of men taking childcare leave, unlike women. As a result, many men have continued to work without taking leave, and some may not view the trend of men taking leave positively. The workplace atmosphere of reluctance to take leave may be causing stagnation in acquisition rates.

Difficult to Take Leave During Busy Periods

The low rate of childcare leave acquisition can also be attributed to the difficulty of taking leave during busy periods. When work is busy, employees may feel anxious about increasing the burden on their colleagues, leading some to give up on taking childcare leave. Those who are constantly busy may also find it difficult to request leave. In small and medium-sized enterprises, where each person often has significant responsibilities, even one absence can be a major setback, making it difficult to take leave.

Handling Tasks That Are Difficult to Handover

If an individual is responsible for tasks that are difficult to hand over, they may be unable to take childcare leave because there is no one else to take on their duties. Tasks requiring specialized skills or knowledge, or those without established manuals or workflows, can make handovers challenging and leave difficult to take. In companies with analog business systems, work tends to be person-dependent, which can lower the leave acquisition rate.

Concerns About Impact on Career Advancement

Even if a company has a childcare leave system, some men may worry that taking leave could impact their future careers. While not common, there are cases where taking leave has affected promotions or pay raises, or led to transfers to other departments, which can be seen as harassment. Concerns about hindering their career and affecting their income may lead some men to decide against taking leave.

Reduction in Income During Leave

Some men choose not to take childcare leave due to concerns about reduced income affecting their living standards. If the man’s income is the primary source of household expenses, the reduction in income during childcare leave can significantly impact the family. Although benefits are available during childcare leave, it is advisable to simulate whether the benefits and savings can cover expenses in advance. Those resistant to income reduction should plan household finances ahead of taking leave.

Childcare Leave Systems Available to Men

Here are some details about childcare leave systems available to men. Despite the systems being in place, male acquisition rates remain low. Many may not be aware of the available systems, making it crucial for companies and workplaces to disseminate this information.

Childcare Leave

The childcare leave system allows for leave until the child turns one year old (up to two years under certain conditions), as stipulated by the Childcare and Family Care Leave Law. If you want to take childcare leave, you generally need to apply one month in advance. It is also possible to take leave in segments up to a total of one year, with each segment requiring an application in advance.

Some people may think they cannot take childcare leave because they have never received an explanation about it at their workplace or it is not mentioned in the work regulations. However, since childcare leave is stipulated by law, it can be taken regardless of company rules.

Post-Birth Paternity Leave (Childcare Leave for New Fathers)

Post-birth paternity leave allows for up to four weeks of leave within eight weeks of the child’s birth, which can be divided into two segments. You generally need to apply two weeks in advance of the desired leave date. If a labor-management agreement is in place, it may be possible to work during the leave period with the employee’s consent. This leave can be taken in addition to childcare leave, allowing for effective use to significantly reduce the mother’s burden.

Some working fathers may feel it is difficult to take long-term leave due to work being busy even after the birth. Post-birth paternity leave, which allows for work during leave if necessary, can lower the barrier to taking leave and make it more accessible.

Other Systems Stipulated by the Childcare and Family Care Leave Law

In addition to the above, the Childcare and Family Care Leave Law stipulates many other systems to support new mothers and fathers. The main support systems are as follows.

  • Measures for Shortened Working Hours: Workers can work shorter hours, generally six hours a day, until their child turns three years old if they wish.
  • Childcare Leave System: Parents can take childcare leave for up to five days per year if they have one child under school age, or up to ten days per year if they have two or more children.
  • Restriction on Overtime Work: Parents with children not yet in elementary school can restrict overtime work to no more than 24 hours per month and 150 hours per year.
  • Consideration for Transfers: When transferring workers, employers must take into account their childcare situation.
  • Limitation on Prescribed Overtime (Overtime Work): Workers can limit prescribed overtime work until their child turns three years old.
  • Prohibition of Unfavorable Treatment: Workers must not be treated unfavorably, such as being dismissed, due to requesting or taking childcare leave.
  • Restriction on Night Work: Parents with children not yet in elementary school can limit night work.
  • Measures to Prevent Harassment Related to Childcare Leave: Companies are required to implement measures to prevent harassment related to the request or acquisition of childcare leave.

Currently, many systems are in place to support working mothers and fathers. Actively utilize these systems to balance childcare and work without burden.

If you are worried about a decrease in income, consider receiving childcare leave benefits

If you are concerned about a decrease in income due to taking childcare leave, consider receiving childcare leave benefits. The conditions for receiving childcare leave benefits are as follows:

  • Taking childcare leave to care for a child under the age of one.
  • Having at least 12 full months with 11 or more days of wage-based working days in the two years prior to the start of the leave.
  • Having 10 or fewer working days or 80 or fewer working hours in a single payment unit period.
  • It is not clear that the labor contract period will expire by the day the child reaches 18 months of age.

The amount of childcare leave benefits is calculated using the following formula:

Daily wage at the start of leave × Number of payment days × 67% (after the 181st day of childcare leave, it is 50%).

While you may not receive the same income as when you are working, this system can help reduce the burden of living expenses during your leave. If you meet the conditions, make use of this benefit actively.

What Companies are Doing to Increase the Rate of Male Childcare Leave

Even though the childcare leave system has been established and men are said to be able to take leave, there are many cases where acquisition does not progress due to the environment and atmosphere of the company or workplace. It is important for each company to improve the environment to create an atmosphere where men can easily take childcare leave.

To make it easier for men to use the childcare leave system, it is necessary for managers who accept applications to show understanding. Additionally, it is important for higher-level executives to understand the necessity of the childcare leave system and propose initiatives to create an environment where it is easy to take leave. In the workplace, regularly sharing work and task information can prevent reliance on specific individuals. If the entire workplace understands the job contents, they can share responsibilities when someone takes childcare leave, thus reducing the burden.

To increase the rate of male childcare leave, it is crucial to create an environment within the company or workplace that makes it easier to take leave.


In recent years, the childcare leave system has been reviewed and improved to make it easier for men to take leave. However, there are still many people who feel it is difficult to take leave due to the long-standing atmosphere of their companies or workplaces. To increase the rate of male childcare leave acquisition, it is necessary not only to improve the system but also to change the environment and atmosphere of companies and workplaces. By demonstrating understanding, supervisors can make it easier for many employees to take childcare leave.

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  • Q
    Can I take childcare leave even if my company does not have a system in place?
    Childcare leave is a system established by law, so it can be taken upon request even if it is not stipulated in the company's work regulations. Acquiring childcare leave is a right that workers can claim, so do not give up because it is not specified in the work regulations; request approval from your supervisor.
  • Q
    Can contract employees use the childcare leave system?
    Contract employees can take childcare leave if, at the time of application, it is not clear that their labor contract will expire by the day the child turns 18 months old. However, if you have been employed for less than a year, if it is clear that the employment relationship will end within a year from the date of application, or if you work fewer than two days per week, you may be excluded from the eligibility. Therefore, please be cautious.
  • Q
    My supervisor did not approve my childcare leave request.
    Childcare leave is a system established by law, and workers have the right to request it. Therefore, companies cannot, in principle, refuse or restrict the acquisition of leave. If your supervisor denies or hesitates to approve your request, consult with the HR or labor management department. If your company does not address the issue, you can also consult with the Employment Environment and Equal Employment Department of your prefecture's Labor Bureau.


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