We will explain the differences between the test plans

At Hiro Clinic, we offer various plans to meet the diverse needs of our customers. Broadly, there are two main types of plans: Basic Plan and Premium Plan, and each of these two main types includes several different plans.

On this page, we provide an overview of the two types of plans, so please review the plans to find the one that best suits your needs.

Hiro Clinic’s Recommended Plans
to Cover Severity Levels

Genetic disorders are conditions caused by mutations in genes. Specifically, autosomal recessive genetic disorders occur when an individual inherits the same recessive gene from both parents. Approximately 70% of people worldwide are carriers of some form of recessive genetic disorder, making it crucial to understand the prevalence and impact of these disorders.

At our clinic, we provide detailed statistical data to understand the spread and impact of these disorders. The distribution map below visually represents the prevalence of specific genetic disorders.

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High-Precision Testing and Peace of Mind for Your Precious Baby
There are so many names, it’s confusing.
What are the differences between the plans?
For those who are confused by the many types of plans, we will explain.
Illustration of Dr. Chihiro

Four Characteristics of Tests Available Domestically

World Class Next Generation NIPT

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Comparison of Recommended Plans at Hiro Clinic

Aneuploidy Microdeletion
Test Cost
(Including Tax)
Premium Plan
13, 18, 21 1 type JPY 175,780
Premium Plan
13, 18, 21 4 types JPY 263,780
Basic Plan
1-22 JPY 230,780
Premium Plan
13, 18, 21 4 types JPY 208,780
Premium Plan
21 1 type JPY 98,780
Basic Plan
21 JPY 64,680
平日Hプラン 平日だけのオプションがあります

Three Types of Plans

Premium Plan

A plan that includes tests for representative diseases as well as microdeletions, partial deletions, and duplications

  1. In addition to representative diseases in the Basic Plan, this plan offers a wider range of tests.

Basic Plan

A plan that focuses on testing for representative diseases

  1. Chromosomes 13, 18, 21 are the basis for this plan, which tests for representative diseases.

Premium Plan FM+, GM+

The most comprehensive plan offered by Hiro Clinic

  1. This plan includes all the tests available at Hiro Clinic.
    It offers tests for over 200 recessive genes that are not included in other plans.
    It is recommended for those who want detailed testing for peace of mind.

Coverage of Test Items

The Premium Plans FM+ and GM+ include tests for “Chromosome 21”, “Chromosome 18”, “Chromosome 13”, “Sex Chromosomes”, “Microdeletion Syndromes”, and “Partial Deletion/Duplication Diseases of All Autosomal Chromosomes”.
These plans can test for “228 types of recessive genetic diseases”. When creating a pie chart, the common items account for only about 1/4, while the “228 types of recessive genetic diseases” make up 3/4.
The plan that covers all common items and “228 types of recessive genetic diseases” is the Premium Plan FM+.

Coverage Rate of N-Advance

All Plan List