How to spend the late stage of pregnancy【supervised by doctor】


The gender of the fetus is known at 10 weeks.


Some people may feel anxious about how to spend the late stage of pregnancy.

As the late stage of pregnancy approaches, the belly becomes bigger, and awareness of childbirth increases. Not only that, but there will also be changes in daily life. Additionally, symptoms that were not experienced before may appear.

In this article, we will discuss

  • Common symptoms in the late stage of pregnancy
  • Recommended activities
  • Things to be careful about

If you are currently in the late stage of pregnancy or will enter it soon, please feel free to refer to this article.

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When is the late stage of pregnancy and how long does it last?

When does the late stage of pregnancy start and end?

The late stage of pregnancy begins after 28 weeks of gestation, which corresponds to the period beyond 8 months in terms of months.

During the late stage of pregnancy, the belly becomes noticeably larger, and preparations for the baby’s birth begin. It may also be a time when morning sickness subsides, allowing for some mental relief.

What is full term?

What is full term? Full term refers to the period from 36 weeks to 39 weeks of gestation. However, it is not precisely defined, and generally refers to around one month before the expected due date.

Since labor could start at any time during this period, it’s advisable to proceed with preparations for childbirth during full term.

Common symptoms in the late stage of pregnancy

During the late stage of pregnancy, various symptoms may appear as the belly enlarges and the baby continues to grow.

Here, we will explain the common symptoms seen during the late stage of pregnancy.

Abdominal tightening

As the baby grows, it’s natural for the belly to become more prone to tightening or discomfort. When you feel this tightness, try to adjust your activities to avoid straining yourself.

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Weight gain

During the late stage of pregnancy, it’s common to experience weight gain. Since this is also a time when morning sickness may subside, you might find yourself overeating as a reaction.

Eating is important for the baby in your belly. However, overeating can lead to excessive weight gain. In the late stage of pregnancy, aim for well-balanced meals three times a day and be mindful not to gain too much weight.



During pregnancy, the body’s fluid volume increases. Additionally, the veins carrying blood from the legs to the heart may become easily obstructed by the uterus, leading to swelling in the body.

When swelling is severe, massage is recommended. Massage the swollen areas gently to improve fluid circulation and relieve the swelling without putting too much strain on the body.

Urinary incontinence and frequent urination

During the late stage of pregnancy, the enlarged uterus may press on the bladder, leading to urinary incontinence. Some may also experience frequent urination, feeling the urge to go to the bathroom multiple times in a short period.

However, avoiding drinking water or holding back from urinating due to urinary incontinence or frequent urination can increase the risk of bladder infections. It’s important to stay hydrated for the sake of the baby.

Nausea, shortness of breath, palpitations

The enlarged uterus can affect the stomach, causing it to be pushed upward and leading to not only nausea but also stomach pain and discomfort.

Additionally, the uterus compresses not only the stomach but also the lungs and heart, making it difficult to breathe and causing fatigue with even slight movement. When experiencing shortness of breath or palpitations, it’s important to rest and stay calm, such as by sitting down.

Back pain

When the belly grows, even normal activities can strain the lower back. This is because the center of gravity shifts forward, causing the upper body to arch backward.

If you experience lower back pain, try to move slowly and hold onto something when moving around. Stretching and using a support belt can also be helpful.

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Recommended activities in the late stage of pregnancy

During the late stage of pregnancy, it’s important to adopt a lifestyle that is not burdensome on both the body and mind.

Working can inevitably strain the body. If you’re employed, consider taking maternity leave. According to the law, you are entitled to take maternity leave from six weeks before your expected due date until eight weeks after childbirth.

Additionally, moderate exercise is recommended. Of course, strenuous exercise isn’t advisable. Engage in light activities like walking during times when you feel well to build up your strength for childbirth and postpartum recovery. Exercise also contributes to mental well-being.

Preparing for childbirth

During pregnancy, you never know what might happen. Even if childbirth seems far off, there’s a possibility of it happening suddenly. Use the late stage of pregnancy to prepare for childbirth.

Firstly, it’s recommended to gather the necessary items for hospitalization for childbirth. Having everything in one bag ready to go to the hospital will provide peace of mind in case of emergency.

It’s also effective to do visualization exercises for childbirth. Review the process of childbirth and practice breathing techniques. Imagining how you’ll spend your time during hospitalization can also be beneficial. Even if it’s your first childbirth, thorough preparation and practice will help you approach childbirth with confidence.


Until when can NIPT (Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing) be done?

NIPT is a test that examines the possibility of chromosomal abnormalities in the baby using the mother’s blood. It’s also known as “Non-Invasive Prenatal Genetic Testing.”

This test requires only a blood sample, making it less burdensome on the body compared to amniocentesis. It can detect conditions such as Down syndrome (Trisomy 21), Trisomy 18, and Trisomy 13.

NIPT is typically performed between 10 to 15 weeks of gestation, but it can also be done in the late stage of pregnancy. Rest assured that the accuracy of the test does not decrease when done in the late stage of pregnancy.

At Hiro Clinic, we offer consultations by clinical genetic specialists, certified obstetricians and gynecologists, and prenatal consultation pediatricians regarding NIPT results, regardless of whether they are positive or negative, on dates other than the testing day (for an additional fee). If you have any concerns, please feel free to consult with us.

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Benefits of NIPT (Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing) in the late stage of pregnancy

One of the benefits of undergoing NIPT in the late stage of pregnancy is the reassurance provided by a negative result. For instance, if abnormalities are indicated during ultrasound examinations, you may want to investigate chromosomal abnormalities, and NIPT can be helpful in such cases.

At Hiro Clinic, there are no restrictions on the gestational age for undergoing NIPT, so it can be done even in the late stage of pregnancy. It is recommended for those who want to alleviate their anxieties.

Drawbacks of NIPT (Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing) in the late stage of pregnancy

NIPT is an indirect test, so even if the result is positive, it does not definitively confirm chromosomal abnormalities. One disadvantage of undergoing NIPT in the late stage of pregnancy is that the window for conducting amniocentesis, which provides a definitive diagnosis, has passed.

Before undergoing NIPT, it’s important to carefully consider both the advantages and disadvantages.

How to spend the late stage of pregnancy【supervised by doctor】

Things to be careful about in the late stage of pregnancy

As pregnancy progresses into the late stage, there are more things to be cautious about.

Engaging in activities that place a heavy burden on the body can affect the baby in the womb, potentially leading to premature birth or stillbirth in the worst-case scenario. During the late stage of pregnancy, it’s important to avoid strenuous activities and strive for a balanced and manageable lifestyle.

Sleeping posture

Firstly, it’s best to avoid sleeping on your stomach. However, even sleeping on your back might make you feel breathless.

If you find it difficult to sleep, try adjusting your position by using a rolled-up towel for elevation or using a body pillow to support your body while lying on your side. When you feel restless at night, taking moderate naps during the day can be beneficial.

Activities that put strain on the abdomen

It’s important to avoid tasks that put strain on your abdomen or involve lifting heavy objects. This is because pressure on the abdomen can lead to back pain or increase the risk of preterm labor.

Even daily household chores such as laundry or shopping can involve movements that strain the abdomen. It’s advisable to ask your partner for help with such tasks as much as possible.

Threatened premature labor

Between 22 weeks 0 days and 36 weeks 6 days of pregnancy, experiencing contractions or bleeding, among other signs, indicating the possibility of preterm labor is called threatened premature labor.

This often occurs due to conditions like bacterial vaginosis, and prompt action is necessary to safely deliver the baby. If you experience symptoms such as abdominal pain or tightening, bleeding, or changes in vaginal discharge, be sure to consult your regular doctor immediately.

Pregnancy-induced hypertension

Pregnancy-induced hypertension refers to high blood pressure in pregnant women. It’s particularly common in the late stages of pregnancy, so caution is necessary.

Regularly monitor your blood pressure to ensure it’s within normal ranges and that you’re not experiencing hypertension.

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As you enter the late stage of pregnancy, you’ll experience changes in your body that differ from what you’ve experienced before. It’s important to adjust your lifestyle according to the condition of your belly and body.

Additionally, there will be specific symptoms and precautions to be aware of during the late stage of pregnancy. Because childbirth is approaching, it’s crucial not to let your guard down and to prioritize a gentle approach that benefits both you and your baby.



Common questions about how to spend the late stage of pregnancy include the following

  • Q
    Is it okay to exercise during the late stage of pregnancy?
    As mentioned earlier, moderate exercise is acceptable during the late stage of pregnancy. In fact, engaging in moderate exercise can have many benefits, such as improving physical fitness, refreshing both the body and mind, and reducing stress.
  • Q
    What should I do when I have a lot of vaginal discharge?
    During the late stage of pregnancy, hormonal fluctuations can lead to increased vaginal discharge. If the change in discharge is minor, there's usually no need to worry.

    However, if there is a sudden increase in discharge or if its color or odor differs from usual, it could indicate a possible infection. Infections can sometimes lead to threatened miscarriage, so it's important to visit the hospital promptly.
  • Q
    How to Spend the Summer in the Late Stage of Pregnancy?
    During the summer in the late stage of pregnancy, it's crucial to be vigilant about heatstroke. During pregnancy, the body temperature is naturally higher to nurture the baby, increasing the risk of heatstroke compared to usual.

    Moreover, excessive sweating leading to dehydration can also affect the baby in the womb. The baby receives oxygen and nutrients from the mother through the bloodstream. Dehydration reduces blood volume, which can interfere with this transfer, posing a risk.

    The ideal way to spend the summer in the late stage of pregnancy is to stay hydrated regularly in cool places. It's advisable to avoid going outside as much as possible on hot days.
  • Q
    How to Spend the Winter in the Late Stage of Pregnancy?
    During winter in the late stage of pregnancy, it's important to be vigilant about infections. Pregnant women are more susceptible to severe complications from infections. It's essential to get vaccinated, maintain a healthy diet, and engage in exercise to build a strong immune system and prevent infections from becoming severe.

    Additionally, it's crucial to avoid getting too cold. When the body gets cold, blood vessels contract, reducing the amount of blood flow to the baby. Take warm baths, wear warm clothing, and do your best to keep your body warm.

Article Editorial Supervisor

Dr Hiroshi Oka

Dr Hiroshi Oka

NIPT specialist clinic, MD

Graduated from Keio University, School of Medicine


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