What are the costs of different tests and prenatal diagnosis?【Supervised by doctor】

Get clarity on the costs of prenatal tests with our detailed guide, supervised by experienced doctors at Hiro Clinic. Learn about different tests and diagnosis expenses to make informed decisions for your prenatal care.

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Summary of this article

Chorionic villus examination costs JPY 100,000-200,000, amniotic fluid examination costs JPY 100,000-200,000, foetal ultrasound fetal dog costs JPY 30,000-50,000, maternal serum marker test costs JPY 20,000-30,000 NIPT costs around JPY 80,000-200,000 and varies from medical institution to medical institution.


Prenatal diagnosis Cost of each test

Prenatal diagnosis to check the baby’s body and organs for abnormalities and chromosomal disorders before the child is born. ‘Is my child safe?’ It is a concern, isn’t it? If possible, you would like to have the test done in advance.

On the other hand, many people may be concerned about the cost. Raising a child is expensive and many people want to save as much as possible.

How much does the test actually cost?

There are several different methods of prenatal diagnosis, and the fees vary depending on the testing method. There are also differences in when the tests can be carried out and the risks involved, so it is best to know in advance.

出生前診断 それぞれの検査費用を考える妊婦さん

Chorionic examination

This method involves collecting and testing trophoblastic cells from the inside of the placenta.

It is the earliest method of confirming a diagnosis, but because the cells are extracted directly from the placenta with a needle, there is a possibility of miscarriage in about 1% of cases.

Although the probability of miscarriage may seem low at around 1%, it is not a low probability when you consider that it is approximately 1 in 100. For this reason, the amniotic fluid test, which has fewer miscarriages, is often used for testing.

The cost is high, at approximately 100,000-200,000 yen, but the test can reliably diagnose chromosomal abnormalities.

In some cases, hospitalisation is required and costs in addition to the basic fee.

  • Result: Confirmed diagnosis
  • Period: 11-14 weeks
  • Risk of miscarriage: Approximately 1 %.
  • Fees: Approximately JPY 100,000~200,000 (+ admission fee)
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Amniotic fluid test

The test is performed by taking a sample of amniotic fluid from the mother’s abdomen.

Although the test can be performed a little later, from the 15th week of pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage is said to be about 0.2-0.3%, making this a lower-risk test than the chorionic villus test. Therefore, amniocentesis is generally performed as a definitive diagnosis.

The cost will be approximately JPY 100,000-200,000, but if the patient is hospitalised, hospitalisation fees will be charged separately.

  • Result: Confirmed diagnosis
  • Period: 15 weeks to 18 weeks
  • Risk of miscarriage: Approximately 0.2~0.3%
  • Fees: JPY 100,000~200,000 (+admission fee)
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Fetal dock (fetal ultrasound examination/fetal ultrasound marker examination)

This is a method of examination in which ultrasound is applied to the abdomen and the shape of the foetus is confirmed from its waveform. It is characterised by greater definition and accuracy than the ultrasound examination during a normal antenatal check-up.

There is no risk of miscarriage as the ultrasound is only applied to the abdomen.

Babies with chromosomal abnormalities are characterised by a tendency to swell at the back of the neck and body in the early stages of pregnancy. This swelling is called NT and is a marker (indicator) when screening for chromosomal abnormalities in the foetus. It is used as a point of identification because a foetus with greater swelling tends to have a larger head in general, and children with Down’s syndrome also have larger heads.

However, swelling of the neck is a physiological phenomenon unique to foetuses with underdeveloped circulatory functions, and since many foetuses have swelling that resolves around the 16th to 18th week of pregnancy, this test alone cannot be used to determine the presence or absence of chromosomal abnormalities.

In addition to NT, other tests such as nuchal, tricuspid valve blood flow and ductus venosus blood flow may also be performed in combination.

The foetal dock is only a screening test to check whether the baby is likely to have a congenital abnormality; if there is a high probability of disease, a definitive diagnosis must be made. If the foetal dock shows abnormalities, it is advisable to discuss this with the doctor and decide on a course of action.

  • Result: Nonconfirmed diagnosis
  • Period: From 10 weeks (in some hospitals, the test can be done below 10 weeks’ gestation)
  • Risk of miscarriage: None
  • Fees: JPY 30,000-50,000 (+full examination fee)
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Maternal serum marker testing

Maternal serum marker testing is a method where blood is drawn from the mother and tested from the components in the blood. It is also called the Quattro test.

The three main components tested are AFP, unconjugated E3 and hCG, but Inhibin A may also be tested in addition.

Although three conditions can be investigated – 21 trisomy (Down syndrome), 18 trisomy (Edwards syndrome) and open neural tube defects – the classification is a non-deterministic diagnosis, as the components of the mother’s blood do not provide accurate information about the foetus.

The cost is relatively cheap, at around JPY 20,000-30,000, but the test can only be carried out after approximately the 16th week of pregnancy.

  • Result: Nonconfirmed diagnosis
  • Period: 16 weeks to 18 weeks
  • Risk of miscarriage: None
  • Fees: JPY 20,000-30,000
What are the costs of different tests and prenatal diagnosis?【Supervised by doctor】

Prenatal diagnosis is not covered by medical expense deductions or insurance

The medical expense tax credit, which is refunded if you overpay for medical expenses. It is very helpful to get a refund for postpartum.

However, prenatal diagnosis is not covered by the medical expense deduction.

This is because the medical expense deduction only applies to “medical treatment involving medical treatment”, and prenatal diagnosis, which is merely an examination, is not recognised as an eligible treatment. Medical insurance is likewise not covered. Note that this is easily mistaken.

However, only hospitalisation costs are covered by the deductible and insurance. Check if you can apply when you are hospitalised for an examination.

What are the costs of different tests and prenatal diagnosis?【Supervised by doctor】

What is NIPT?

In Japan, a new prenatal diagnosis, NIPT has also been available since 2013. It is also called maternal blood foetal chromosome testing.

The test is performed by taking a blood sample from the mother and examining the pieces of foetal-derived DNA in the blood.

Although it is a non-confirmatory diagnosis, it is characterised by a high accuracy rate of approximately 99%. As there is almost no risk of miscarriage, the test is attracting attention from medical professionals and pregnant women all over the world.

In addition to 13 trisomy (Patou syndrome), 18 trisomy (Edwards syndrome), 21 trisomy (Down syndrome), the test can now detect autosomal partial deletion partial duplication, microdeletion syndrome, sex chromosome aneuploidy and autosomal recessive inheritance.

  • Result: Screening test
  • Period: From 10 weeks onwards (in the early NIPT test at Hiro Clinic, the test can be performed from the time the foetus’ heartbeat is confirmed by echo)
  • Risk of miscarriage: None
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How much does NIPT cost?

How much does NIPT cost?

The cost of the test ranges from 80,000 to 200,000 yen and varies from medical institution to medical institution.

Many people feel that it is a little expensive, but this is because NIPT is still a clinical experiment in Japan.

Although it is a non-confirmatory test, the number of people undergoing testing has been increasing in recent years because it is a highly accurate test without the risks associated with amniotic fluid testing or chorionic villus testing.

If you are considering it, it is advisable to check the plans and support offered by different medical institutions in advance.

  • Fees: JPY 80,000~200,000

Why are the costs so different?

Another reason for the difference in costs is that medical facilities are broadly divided into certified and non-certified facilities.

NIPT is managed by the Japanese Medical Association. In 2022, approximately 169 facilities were accredited.

On the other hand, some facilities are not certified due to a lack of certain conditions. These are non-certified facilities.

There are also differences between the different plans.

Hospitals that are certified facilities carry out inspections according to the rules and plans set by the society, whereas such rules and plans do not exist in non-certified facilities that are not within the framework of the society. Plans set by doctors are available and pregnant women can choose the test items themselves. For example, a sex chromosome test can be performed to find out the sex of the baby. If you can choose to opt out of the plan, the cost can be reduced.

n addition, certified facilities can only test for 21 trisomy (Down syndrome), 18 trisomy (Edwards syndrome), 13 trisomy (Patou syndrome), while non-certified facilities can often test for other conditions if they wish.

Non-accredited centres can discuss a testing plan that is tailored to your needs.

Hiro Clinic NIPT test costs and features

Hiro Clinic NIPT offers a variety of plans.

As the testing is commissioned to the Tokyo Sanitary Laboratory, a specialised domestic institute for human genetic testing, the results are available earlier than with conventional NIPT, which was commissioned to a specialised overseas institute.

Results are usually available within five days (usually within six days in some hospitals and at collaborating facilities) after the blood sample is taken. At Hiro Clinic NIPT (excluding collaborating facilities), results can also be delivered within 2 to 3 days of blood collection by using the express delivery option.

In addition, the central barcode issued by Hiro Clinic NIPT at the time of testing is seamlessly read into the testing equipment (Hamilton MicroLabstar) at the Tokyo Health Laboratory, so there is virtually no risk of misreading.

Another important feature is that even if the test result is positive, if you subscribe to the Amniotic Fluid Testing Support, you can receive a subsidy of up to JPY 200,000 to cover the cost of the amniotic fluid test. There is no specification of medical institutions, so you are eligible for amniotic fluid testing support no matter which institution you have your amniotic fluid test carried out at.

Each clinic is staffed by specialists in obstetrics and gynaecology, clinical genetics, paediatrics and psychiatry, who can answer a wide range of questions.

At Hiro Clinic NIPT, you can be seen without a referral letter and the test can be performed in one visit, so you can receive the test with minimal burden. If you are interested in NIPT, why not consider it?

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What are the disadvantages of NIPT?

Although NIPT has many advantages, such as high accuracy, the ability to perform the test at an early stage and almost no risk of miscarriage, it is by no means without disadvantages.

Although it is highly accurate, it is a non-confirmatory diagnosis and a definitive diagnosis is required to determine the disease.

Are there any conditions for undergoing NIPT?

Are there any conditions or other restrictions on undergoing NIPT?

The Japanese Medical Association lists the following pregnant women for whom NIPT is an option.

  • Pregnant women of advanced age
  • Pregnant women whose maternal serum marker tests suggest that their foetus may have a chromosomal numerical abnormality
  • Pregnant women with a history of pregnancy with a child with a chromosomal numerical abnormality
  • Pregnant women in whom one of the parents has a balanced Robertson translocation, suggesting that the foetus may have a 13 or 21 trisomy
  • Pregnant women whose foetal ultrasound examination suggests that the foetus may have a chromosomal numerical abnormality

However, regardless of the frequency of occurrence of the targeted disease, pregnant women whose concerns about numerical chromosomal abnormalities in the foetus cannot be resolved even after appropriate genetic counselling should have their decision to undergo the test respected after providing sufficient information and support.

The previous age limit of 35 years or older was abolished in July 2022, so that women of any age can undergo NIPT at their own will.

What are the costs of different tests and prenatal diagnosis?【Supervised by doctor】

Whole chromosome test for more detailed examination

NIPT looks for three basic conditions: 21 trisomy (Down syndrome), 18 trisomy (Edwards syndrome) and 13 trisomy (Pato syndrome), but there is also a full chromosome test that can look for aneuploidy in all other chromosomes.

NIPT at certified centres can test for three conditions: 21 trisomy (Down syndrome), 18 trisomy (Edwards syndrome) and 13 trisomy (Pato syndrome), but not for other chromosomes.

For example, if you also want to look for sex chromosome abnormalities, such as Klinefelter’s syndrome or Turner’s syndrome, these three diseases alone cannot cover everything.

However, because all-chromosome testing looks for aneuploidy, it is not possible to test for Total autosomal whole-region partial deletions and duplications.

It is also now possible to test for Microdeletion syndromes.

As this is an additional test to the basic test, it is only available at non-accredited facilities where plans can be adjusted, and you will need to find a medical facility that offers the test in order to test.

Hiro Clinic Early NIPT is one of the medical facilities that can test. In addition to whole chromosome testing, tests can also be carried out to identify total autosomal whole-region partial deletions and duplication diseases.

You can ask for more details if you are interested.

Total autosomal whole-region partial deletion/duplication disease

Total autosomal partial deletion diseases are diseases caused by a missing part of a chromosome. Some diseases can be caused by even a very small range of deletions. They cannot be tested by whole-chromosome aneuploidy testing.

There may also be a slight duplication of chromosome organisation. These are known as total autosomal partial duplication diseases and, like total autosomal partial deletion diseases, cannot be examined by a total chromosome aneuploidy test. Chromosomal abnormalities can occur in anyone. It is a good idea to check for the possibility of this happening.

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Cost trends for NIPT

At present, NIPT is in the realm of clinical experimentation and the cost of testing is relatively high, but it is thought that the cost will become cheaper in the future.
This is because if the test results are recognised, the government can be expected to provide guarantees and a system for carrying out NIPT will be put in place.
As the number of accredited facilities increases and NIPT becomes a familiar prenatal test that everyone knows about, the cost may also become cheaper.

It is difficult to say right away, but if the cost becomes cheaper, it may become even easier to get tested than it is now.


The cost of prenatal diagnosis also takes into account the cost of transport

The cost of prenatal testing has been introduced, but if you are actually going to have the test, be sure to include the cost of transport in your costs.

If you travel to a distant place for the test, you will need to pay for trains and taxis, which can be more expensive than you think, and you may also worry about the pregnant woman’s fitness. As well as the cost, if you want to have a safe examination, it is better to go somewhere close to home.

Hiro Clinic (NIPT) is available nationwide

Hiro Clinic NIPT operates nationwide, and all of its medical facilities are located within a few minutes’ walk from the station, making it easy for pregnant women to visit the clinic alone.

In addition, we also provide collaborating facilities so that people who live far from these Hiro Clinics can also take the test. Including these collaborating facilities, the Hiro Clinic NIPT test is available at 67 medical institutions in 46 prefectures throughout Japan.

If the examination is conducted at a collaborating facility, the patient can also be examined remotely by a Hiro Clinic NIPT doctor for reassurance.

If you are interested in NIPT, you may wish to consider testing at Hiro Clinic NIPT.

What are the costs of different tests and prenatal diagnosis?【Supervised by doctor】

Should I have a prenatal diagnosis or NIPT?

The cost of prenatal diagnosis varies depending on the testing method. Even a non-confirmed diagnosis, which is relatively inexpensive, costs between JPY 20,000 and 30,000, which can be a pain for couples who want to save money to prepare for the birth.

The probability of having Down’s syndrome at the age of 30 is said to be about 1 in 1,000, which is not high. Some may not undergo prenatal diagnosis in the hope that “their child will be different”, while others may want to raise a child with a disorder caused by a chromosomal abnormality.

On the other hand, some people worry about whether they will be able to raise their child if they have a condition caused by a chromosomal abnormality. In such cases, prenatal diagnosis can provide information about the possibility of chromosomal abnormalities before birth.

Many people will take the test to be reassured, but there is a possibility of a positive result.

Think carefully about what will happen after you get the test results before you take the test.

If you are concerned about the cost, consider Hiro Clinic Early NIPT. The cost can be reduced with a stand-alone testing plan to test for Down’s syndrome only and convenient transport links.

Appointments can be made via web booking, which is available 24 hours a day, but please feel free to contact us for more information on costs and testing.


This section explains the different types of prenatal diagnosis and the costs involved.

There are several methods of prenatal diagnosis that can be used during pregnancy to find out whether or not your child has a chromosomal abnormality and what the chances are, and each method has different accuracy, risks and costs.

It is up to the pregnant woman to decide whether or not to undergo prenatal diagnosis and, if she decides to undergo prenatal diagnosis, which method she chooses.

If you decide to have a prenatal diagnosis, make sure you have sorted out the information about the accuracy, risks, costs and ease of visiting the hospital before choosing the method of testing.


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Get clarity on the costs of prenatal tests with our detailed guide, supervised by experienced doctors at Hiro Clinic. Learn about different tests and diagnosis expenses to make informed decisions for your prenatal care.

Read more about Down Syndrome Testing

Read more about Down Syndrome Testing

Article Editorial Supervisor

Dr Hiroshi Oka

Dr Hiroshi Oka

NIPT specialist clinic, MD

Graduated from Keio University, School of Medicine


  1. 染色体異常の種類について