What to eat and what to watch out for during pregnancy and NIPT【supervised by doctor】

Summary of this article

Your diet during pregnancy can affect the health of your baby, so make sure your diet is nutritionally balanced and stress-free. Folic acid, recommended. During pregnancy, it is necessary to consume folic acid in spinach and natto, iron and calcium in liver and clams, and avoid vitamin A, caffeine and alcohol. Take care to avoid food poisoning, such as raw food and natural cheese, and have a healthy pregnancy period.


Nutritional requirements and things to look out for in your diet during pregnancy

Eating habits during pregnancy have a major impact on the health and growth of the baby. During the delicate pregnancy period, it is important to eat a well-balanced diet for the mother’s own health. However, many pregnant women find that their taste buds are temporarily altered by pregnancy, or that they overeat due to reduced appetite or food cravings.

Alcohol and caffeine can also be dangerous for the baby if consumed during pregnancy. Find out what nutrients you should actively take in during pregnancy and what you should and should not eat before delivery to have a healthier pregnancy.

Taste changes and morning sickness in early pregnancy

Hormonal balance changes significantly in early pregnancy. This changes the sense of taste, and many mothers may experience a loss of appetite due to morning sickness . The causes of morning sickness vary and are still not clearly understood.

Many mothers force themselves to eat for the sake of the baby, even though morning sickness is severe. There is no doubt that early pregnancy is an important time when the baby’s body is being built. However, the important thing about eating during pregnancy is not the amount of food you eat, but the nutritional balance.

If you have morning sickness and can’t eat as much or as little as you want, you don’t have to force yourself to eat a ‘two-for-one with baby’ approach to eating. It is important to eat stress-free meals when you can eat what you want and what you are comfortable eating. However, to prevent dehydration, make sure to keep hydrated with caffeine-free tea and low-sugar drinks.

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Beware of excessive salt intake during pregnancy

Many mothers have an uncontrollable craving for junk food during pregnancy. In some cases, instant ramen can be a complete meal, even though the morning sickness is so severe that other foods are unacceptable.

There is also ‘eating sickness’ during pregnancy. Eating sickness is common in the first trimester of pregnancy and is a condition that occurs when a woman feels hungry. The upset stomach and discomfort of eating sickness can be relieved by eating, so many mothers end up eating chocolate and snacks.

Although it is good to have a good appetite during pregnancy, junk food and other processed foods contain a lot of salt and carbohydrates. In particular, excessive salt intake is a cause of swelling and high blood pressure, which requires special attention during pregnancy.

Excessive salt intake during pregnancy can cause ‘Gestational hypertension‘. Gestational hypertension can significantly affect the growth of the baby and, in severe cases, there is a small risk of miscarriage. For these reasons, a low-salt diet should be kept in mind, especially during pregnancy.

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Consult a doctor or nutritionist for advice on diet during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the mother’s weight is increased by the amniotic fluid, foetus and placenta. However, if the mother is obese before pregnancy, or if she is over the correct weight due to increased appetite or eating disorders caused by pregnancy, she needs to lose weight, taking into account the effect on the baby.

Obesity and being overweight during pregnancy are considered risk factors for both mother and baby. The effects of obesity are varied and often include gestational diabetes, cardiac dysfunction and gestational hypertension. A mother’s obesity and overweight can lead to increased risk of baby infertility and miscarriage, so it is important to keep her weight under control.

Dieting during pregnancy should only be done if a doctor has indicated that the mother is obese or overweight during pregnancy. Never diet on your own initiative simply because you have gained weight compared to your pre-pregnancy weight.

Dieting during pregnancy is mainly for nutritional management. Care should be taken not to engage in strenuous exercise, as this may affect the foetus. Under the advice of your doctor or nutritionist, review your diet to determine what you can and cannot eat, and maintain a healthy pregnancy at an appropriate weight.


What nutrients pregnant women need and what foods and drinks can be dangerous for the foetus

The body during pregnancy is very delicate. For the health of both mother and baby, a well-balanced diet should be maintained.

It is important to focus on quality rather than quantity when eating during pregnancy. While some nutrients are needed more than before pregnancy and some foods should be consumed actively, there are certain foods and drinks that can affect the baby if consumed in excess during pregnancy.

In addition, if you are allergic to any of the foods generally required during pregnancy, you do not need to consume them, of course.

What to eat and what to watch out for during pregnancy and NIPT【supervised by doctor】

What you should actively eat during pregnancy

The baby receives oxygen and nutrients from the mother through the umbilical cord. In other words, the nutrients the mother consumes have a significant impact on the baby’s health and growth. Below are some of the nutrients that are needed during pregnancy and what pregnant women should actively eat.

Folic acid: spinach, broccoli, natto, eggs, etc.

Folic acid is considered a member of the B vitamin group and is necessary for assisting the formation of red blood cells and for the growth of babies. Folic acid is often thought of as a nutrient found in vegetables, but it can also be obtained from eggs and chicken, beef and pork liver.

Iron: liver, scallions, bonito, komatsuna, soya milk, hijiki, etc.

Iron is a nutrient that makes haemoglobin. When haemoglobin is deficient, the transport of oxygen and the collection of carbon dioxide in the blood is blocked and all the body’s tissues are deprived of oxygen.

There are two types of iron: haem iron, which is animal-based, and non-heme iron, which is plant-based. Both act differently, so a good balance of haem iron and non-heme iron should be taken.

During pregnancy, one in two to four women will be anaemic because of the delivery of iron to the baby. An anaemic state increases the risk of premature birth and low birth weight babies.

Calcium: small fish, milk, yoghurt and other dairy products, seaweed, soya beans, etc.

Calcium is a nutrient that builds healthy teeth and bones. If calcium intake is insufficient during pregnancy, the body’s calcium in the mother’s teeth and bones is dissolved and supplied to the baby. The mother’s bone density decreases, which can lead to osteoporosis and other problems, so it is important to consume foods that are good for the bones, such as small fish and dairy products. It is also said that maintaining calcium levels in the blood prevents pregnancy-induced hypertension.


Foods and drinks to watch out for during pregnancy

Many foods and tastes are harmful to the health and growth of the baby if consumed in excess during pregnancy. Caffeine and alcohol in particular should be avoided even before pregnancy for health reasons.

Vitamin A: eels, liver, etc.

Vitamin A is a nutrient that maintains healthy skin and mucous membranes. However, excessive intake in early pregnancy is believed to cause organogenesis defects in the baby.

Vitamin A is found in eels and liver, but overdose of vitamin A in the normal diet is considered to be of little concern. Vitamin A overdose during pregnancy is due to supplements. If you have difficulty getting vitamin A in your diet and wish to take it from supplements, consult your doctor or nutritionist.

Caffeine: energy drinks, coffee, tea, etc.

Excessive caffeine intake is associated with an increased risk of hypertension. It is also important to note that high concentrations of caffeine during pregnancy have been reported to inhibit the growth of the baby and cause low body weight.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) also recommends that daily caffeine intake during pregnancy should not exceed 300 mg (about 2 cups).(See: Food Safety Commission,’Caffeine in the diet‘)

If you really want to drink coffee or tea during pregnancy, use decaffeinated coffee or tea. Note that some herbal teas are not suitable for pregnant women, even if they are caffeine-free.

During pregnancy, you need to drink more water than usual. It is advisable to avoid caffeinated beverages such as coffee and tea, and to drink white water and barley tea frequently.

Alcohol: beer, wine, sake, etc.

In addition to increasing the risk of miscarriage, alcohol consumption during pregnancy also causes alcohol metabolites to pass through the placenta and affect the baby in various ways. This is known as Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, which is associated with malformations in early pregnancy, and foetal growth retardation and central nervous system disorders in mid- and late-term pregnancy. For these reasons, alcohol should never be consumed during pregnancy.

Other foods to watch out for: raw food, natural cheese, etc.

Food poisoning is a concern during pregnancy. Diarrhoea and vomiting increase the risk of miscarriage and premature birth, especially Listeria monocytogenes, which often crosses the placenta and can be transmitted to the baby. Avoid undercooked foods such as cured ham and natural cheese, and wash your hands carefully before cooking and eating.

NIPT to find out about possible miscarriage risks other than dietary habits

No matter how careful the mother is about her health and how much she eats right, if the baby has chromosomal abnormalities or congenital diseases, the risk of miscarriage or premature birth is increased. NIPT by Hiro Clinic NIPT is a test that allows the mother and baby to be assessed for possible health risks after the pregnancy is confirmed with an ultrasound scan.

Unlike conventional prenatal diagnosis, NIPT only requires a maternal blood sample. As it is no different from a general health check-up blood sample, there is almost no direct damage to the baby.

NIPT is a minimally invasive test with a high accuracy of 99.9% sensitivity for 21 trisomy (Down syndrome). Hiro Clinic NIPT offers a variety of NIPT plans to suit all budgets. Hiro Clinic NIPT also offers its own ‘Positive Score’, which quantifies the likelihood of a positive result for chromosomal abnormalities and other conditions in the baby.

Mothers who are concerned about the health of their baby during pregnancy are encouraged to consult Hiro Clinic NIPT.

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Article Editorial Supervisor

Dr Hiroshi Oka

Dr Hiroshi Oka

NIPT specialist clinic, MD

Graduated from Keio University, School of Medicine


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